Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Philadelphia Airport

A TSA agent giving a family a hard time about too much liquid. 
 I had to drop off my brother at the airport in Philly.  Since the TSA changed their security policies, I hadn't flown.   Here's my review:

  • No X-ray machines 
  • Officials were very kind--went out of their way to help, gave us gate passes upon request, let us use the shorter line
  • Very few pat-downs--I saw one from afar.  It looked far less invasive than the ones I had seen on YouTube.
  • Metal detectors allowed a lot-- braces, belt, earrings, zipper.  I totally thought they would flag me.
  • They give you a hard time for extra liquids, but the whole "they have to be in a quart-size bag" thing is unenforced.
It was overall a good experience, and I am not nearly as afraid for my trip to England.

Plus, look what I saw!  An ad for flights to Manchester!  I felt so special.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Washington DC-- 1 year ago

    Almost exactly 1 year ago, I went to Washington DC with an amazing group of friends.  We were there for two days and went to the national zoo, Mount Vernon, and the Holocaust museum.  Since there was only a small group of us, we had the opportunity to walk around the city more than my more recent DC trip.

 There was some construction going on.  I think they were repairing the reflection pool.  
 See the Washington monument in the corner?

Near the Mall, there is an outdoor sculpture gallery.  The sculptures were simply amazing, and this is one of my favorites.


 These photos were at Mt. Vernon.  It was so hot, but it was a wonderful experience nonetheless.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Washington DC

I had an amazing time in DC.  We were fortunate enough to visit many places, including Arlington National Cemetery, The National Museum of Natural History, The NationalMuseum of American Hisory,  the Air and Space Museum, the Jefferson Memorial, the FDR Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial.  My favorites were the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the National Archives, and the National Museum of American History.
 This is right outside of Arlington National Cemetery.

 Marine Corps Memorial, very close to Arlington National Cemetery.

Korean War Memorial

 The Lincoln Memorial.  I loved this one so much.  Not only is it absolutely gorgeous (especially at sunset!), but the Gettysburg Address written on the walls is extremely powerful and touching.

 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.  This man kept his priorities straight, was courageous, and made a huge difference in the world.

"Out of a mountain of despair, a stone of hope."
 View of the Jefferson Memorial from the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.
 FDR Memorial.

 The Jefferson Memorial. This was amazing.  Thomas Jefferson was one of the most wonderful men to ever lead this country.  
Written up at the top is one of my favorite quotes, one that too many seem to forget: "Hostility against every form of tyranny."

 National Museum of Natural History.  The architecture of this is amazing.

 This was taken at the National Museum of American History.  Though this was my fovorite museum, I took few photos because of the glass almost all of the artifacts was in.
 This was at the entrance to the exhibit about the star spangled banner.  They have a very old and famous flag that is kept protected by extremely low light and no flash.