Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Philadelphia Airport

A TSA agent giving a family a hard time about too much liquid. 
 I had to drop off my brother at the airport in Philly.  Since the TSA changed their security policies, I hadn't flown.   Here's my review:

  • No X-ray machines 
  • Officials were very kind--went out of their way to help, gave us gate passes upon request, let us use the shorter line
  • Very few pat-downs--I saw one from afar.  It looked far less invasive than the ones I had seen on YouTube.
  • Metal detectors allowed a lot-- braces, belt, earrings, zipper.  I totally thought they would flag me.
  • They give you a hard time for extra liquids, but the whole "they have to be in a quart-size bag" thing is unenforced.
It was overall a good experience, and I am not nearly as afraid for my trip to England.

Plus, look what I saw!  An ad for flights to Manchester!  I felt so special.

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